About the Author

Writing fiction is a very common occurrence in today’s world. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, and while not everyone will succeed, I say don't ever give up. Writing is a perfect way to escape from one’s everyday troubles.

Writing provides the ability for others to escape from their everyday troubles as well. I know the value of a good book. They are the friends to the lonely, the depressed, and the brokenhearted. They are the triumphant reward to the youth who wants to conquer a challenge he or she has never tried. Books are the ultimate thinking caps. They allow your brain to disengage from reality long enough for your subconscious to process your troubles or a tough issue you might be trying to figure out. I am proud to dedicate myself to so noble a craft as storytelling.

I told my first story to a couple of younger children when I was eleven, and discovered that I have a true talent for weaving together words from my imagination and bits of legend. I began putting pencil to paper and trying to discover my niche. At the tender age of thirteen I began to explore the variety of occult practices and lore of other cultures. I began branching out to other areas of each culture's history as I got older, and when I was a freshman in high school I wrote a short story entitled, Midnight Massacre. I regret to say that the manuscript was stolen from my locker between classes. I learned an important lesson that day. Never let your writing leave your possession unless you're sending it to the publisher. I am still working to piece the story back together from memory. It is slow going…

To improve my skill I went above and beyond the normal Core Curriculum English classes. I took matters into my own hands and studied the Latin roots of the romance languages; the origins of words; and grammar backward and forward until my eyes bled. I had the option my senior year to take college English instead of senior English. I jumped at it. It afford me the opportunity to not be bored to death by Greek Mythology and Shakespeare, as well as giving me two credits for college the following year. After graduation, my focus there was writing children's fiction a talent I enjoy, but is not my truest passion. I was nineteen before I realized that my true calling was to write passionate, steamy, gritty novels. My characters are real not fluffy and their lives are not the fantastic fluff that you would find in a fairytale. They are works of pure fiction laced with facts and accuracy. My goal is for you, the reader, to be entertained while you learn interesting tidbits of history, science, art, and culture. Much in the way that Walt Disney tried to culturify the world through the subject of his movies, I am endeavoring to do the same with my stories.

I have participated in the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo, since 2008. The NaNo is a nationally acclaimed writing competition where people from all over the country get together in the month of November to write 50,000 words in one month. Beginning on November 1st at 12:00 am and ending on November 31st at 11:59 pm. I have won 4 out of six years, writing 50,000 words or more in each instance. My latest entry in the contest, Trimmer, is the novella I have published, is listed on my products page.

I have attended writing seminars and made friends in the publishing industry with such authors as: Michael Stackpole, Randall Bills, Steven Mohan, Jason Hardy, Kevin Killiany , Bertrice Small, and Phaedra Weldon to name a few. Making friends and garnering contacts in the publishing industry is the best thing that any serious writer can do. In 1999, I opened the doors on my own editing service. Silver Tempest Productions was a way to keep me busy between novels and put my talents to use. I was a fact-checker for InMediaRes, LLC from 2006 until 2012. I am currently a freelance editor for the Shadow-Run gaming line.

In addition to my novella, Trimmer, I have seven poems published in various anthologies dating back to when I was a young popinjay in junior high school, six Editor’s Choice awards, numerous fact-checking credits, I had my own byline on the web comic, Really Pathetic Productions. I've written book reviews for two separate services. I have been writing diligently and sending out query letter after query letter for years, I am no stranger to the hard work and dedication that is required to succeed in the publishing industry. If not for the unexpected death of the Editor-in-Chief of Gardenia Press, I would have a novel or more published with them by now. Unforeseen circumstances happen. The one thing that life has taught me, is that you have to expect the unexpected… deal with it… and keep moving forward. If you let the hardships of life get you down, you will never realize your dream.

Being published has always been my goal. I want to share the wisdom I have fought hard to gain in life with the rest of the world, and I am not letting anything or anyone stand in my way. My father, Lord bless him taught me that if I wanted something in life, I needed to make it happen, not just sit by the side of the road and wait for it to come along.

Our users

This site is dedicated to the avid readers, aspiring writers, and knowledge seekers who wish to escape the daily grind for a while. I will provide those who wish it, advice and my professional opinions to aid in their writing careers. I can offer wisdom and moral support, but I'm not here to do the work for you. You will learn that writing is hard work and it is worth it.

So come all ye free spirits who seek refuge and join in the merriment of life and laughter with welcome.

History of project

My father was the first of a very short list to inspire me to do what I dream. He encouraged me to follow my dreams of being a writer no matter what anyone else says. Over the years I had others try to encourage me into other fields, lawyer, teacher, musician (another passion). When my father passed in 1996, I very nearly went into one of those other fields. Lost without the guidance of my best friend, I let myself be talked into the stability of the legal profession. I was miserable. It took me a full year to realize why I wasn't happy and remembering my father's words helped.

"You can't let anyone else tell you what your life is going to be. Only you can make your dreams happen. If you want a thing bad enough, you can achieve it. You aren't going to get there just sitting on the side of the road watching the world pass you by, though. You have to get into that rat race and make it happen."

I didn't really understand at the time, how I was going to make my dreams come true when I was only twelve and no one really listens to a kid, but when I was nineteen and out on my own I got it. I had my day job, but I was done letting others live my life for me. I let my legal degree fall by the wayside, because it wasn't a profession I was interested in, and followed my dream. I'll tell you, if I had followed the path that others set for me, I wouldn't have my lovely family. They are what make me stronger. They are my inspiration on those days when the rejection letters just seem to be piling up and I'm not getting anywhere.